Monday, January 23, 2012

How to sew your own extensions

How to sew your own extensions

How to sew your own Extensions
You will need
1 packet of Hair (I use 18 inch Indian Remy which is human hair)
15 snap clips (You can buy them at Sally’s or any beauty supply)
Thread (The color should match the hair)
Ruler or Measurement tape
Black permanent marker
First take the hair out of the back and it should be one long track of hair. Cut the large track into 7 smaller pieces.
1 10 inch row
1 12 inch row
1 13 inch row
4 8 inch rows
You should have enough hair but if your package seems like it falls short then just make 2 8 inch rows instead of 4.
Row #1
After you have all the rows cut. Take the 10 inch row and fold it in half so that the 10 inch row is now a doubled row of 5 inches. You then sew the two rows together so that you have one doubled 5 inch row. Once that is done you can sew your snap clips on each end of the row. I just sew every other hole in the snap clip start with the first hole on the outer edge and then sew the middle and the other outer edge. So you have 3 holes on the top of the snap clips that are attached to the row of hair. You should have one snap clip on each end of the row of hair. After you are finished write a small 1 on each of the clips with a permanent marker so you know where to place the row on your head.
Row #2

Fold the 12 inch row in half and sew it together as one 6 inch row. Do the same steps at you did for row #1. But when you are finished with it write a small 2 on the clips.
Row #3
Fold the 13 inch hair into one doubled 6 ½ inch row. Sew together and sew snap clips to both sides and add one snap clip in the center as well. So you will have 3 snap clips on row 3. You need the extra clip because this is your longest row. After you are finished write a small 3 on the clips.
Rows #4 and #5 (also known as Left #1 and Left #2)
Fold the 8 inch row into one small 4 inch row. Sew together and add snap clips to each side. Write a small L 1 on each clip. This will be your first left clip which is why you write L 1 on it. So this row will be known as Left #1.
Fold another 8 inch row into one small 4 inch row. Sew together and add snap clips to each side. Write a small L 2 on each clip. This will be your second left clip which is why you write L 2 on it. This row is known as Left #2.
Rows # 6 and # 7
Fold an 8 inch row into one small 4 inch row. Sew together and add snap clips to each side. Write a small R 1 on each clip. This will be known as Right #1.
Fold an 8 inch row into one small 4 inch row. Sew together and add snap clips to each side. Write a small R 2 on each clip. This will be known as Right # 2.
After you are done and all the rows are numbered you can clip the extensions in your hair. Start at the bottom of your nape and go up an inch and separate your hair. Pull remaining hair up and leave just one inch of your down. Snap in Row #1. Go up about a half inch and separate your hair again and snap in Row# 2. Go up another half inch and snap in Row #3. (if you have long hair you can usually just use rows #1, 2 and 3. ) If you want to put in all your rows snap L #1 directly above the left side about a ¼ of an inch away from row 3. Then snap R#1 on the right side about row 3.
Adding in rows L 2 and R 2.
If your hair is short above your shoulders then I would part your hair on your left side above your ear about ¼ inch and clip L 2 there and do the same on your right side. If your hair is long I would snap L 2 and R2 right over L 1 and R 1. Pull the rest of your hair down and it should be completely covered. You should never snap the clips any higher than above your ears ¼ inch. I

Here are some pictures that should help you get an idea if you get lost.

This is what it looks like finished.  My real hair is about the length of my shoulders. 

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